Schubert & Salzer

Schubert & Salzer Control Systems – a passion for precision

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The number one professionals for bespoke solutions wherever the motion of fluids needs to be controlled.

Schubert & Salzer valves are used in the chemical, pharma and food industries, in steel and paper making and in the production of solar cells. Low energy consumption, long service life and minimal noise combine to make them stand out from the crowd. What’s more, Schubert & Salzer continuously improves and optimizes its products to guarantee the safety of your processes.


Do you have any questions?

Bays Andrej 4352 web

Andrej Bays

Product manager

+41 44 944 13 90
[email protected]

Collaboration since 1970

“For over 50 years we’ve found Bachofen to be a supportive partner with whom we can communicate openly and honestly in a straightforward manner.”

Ronny Grubitz, Managing Director, Schubert & Salzer Control Systems GmbH

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