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At Bachofen, you will find expert technical advice and tailor-made solutions for your heating or cooling applications in industry and building technology.
Looking for the ideal heat exchanger for you? We have the perfect solution! Simply fill out the enquiry form to receive a custom quote. We have the expertise to meet your needs!
With Bachofen, you can choose a highly qualified contact person for the use of state-of-the-art heat exchanger technology. Our experts are very familiar with engineering and assembly processes and will support you in the implementation of your application with their sound technical expertise. Precise calculations and expert advice regarding design ensure maximum efficiency and long-term smooth operation of your system. We work with the leading manufacturers of heat exchangers and provide a wide range of heat exchangers covering all design types. At Bachofen, you are guaranteed optimal value, high efficiency and short delivery times.
"With focussed advice and an overall package tailored to our needs, Bachofen has delivered a prime example of customer proximity."
Markus Häfeli, Plant construction manager, Klima AG Spreitenbach
«Transforming the energy supply is a big challenge. With their well-grounded knowledge of energy efficiency, trusty partners like Bachofen are helping us to reach our targets and effectively leverage environmentally-friendly energy sources.»
Miroslav Cordarov, Senior Project Manager, Energy Systems