Home > Automation technology > One IP address for an entire sub-network: all thanks to beep from Turck
With the TBEN-S, TBEN-L and FEN20 fieldbus modules, Turck is opening up new possibilities for machine and plant manufacturers. Each device on a network can be reached via an individual IP address. But now, the next innovative step has been taken: with the unique Beep technology, 33 modules can be brought together under one IP address, in the form of an Ethernet sub-network.
As the network grows and the number or IO devices increases, IP addresses become scarcer. This often forces machine and plant manufacturers to plan for greater control, which leads to correspondingly higher costs. Customers generally do not take kindly to this, as it places them under cost pressure.
The “Backplane Ethernet Extension Protocol” (Beep, for short) innovation from Turck brings a new, cost-saving dimension to IO network planning. This unique technology allows Ethernet sub-networks to be created with up to 33 block I/O modules and a maximum of 480 bytes of process data, making it equally suitable for applications on Profinet, Ethernet/IP or Modbus TCP networks. It requires just one IP address and one connection to the control system. This also allows I/O networks with high volumes to be linked seamlessly to smaller, inexpensive control systems.
When creating the sub-network, Beep saves on using special gateways with proprietary cabling. Each block I/O module can assume the Beep master and Beep slave function.
The Ethernet sub-network can be configured quickly and easily via an integrated web server. In this process, the first device on the line assumes the function of the Beep master. All successive devices are automatically assigned slave status. Once the parameters for the device configuration have been defined, they are fully saved in the Beep master. If a module breaks down, it can be replaced via drop-in. The Beep master recognises the newly engaged slave and automatically transfers the relevant parameters to it. This reduces system downtime considerably, bringing down costs at the same time.
If you would like to learn more about Beep from Turck, you’ve come to the right place. Your Bachofen contact is very familiar with the features and strengths of the Turck fieldbus modules and the new Beep protocol and can provide you with expert advice to help you with your procurement decisions.