Out of the control box: towards decentralised concepts

In the world of Industry 4.0, modularity is gaining increasing importance in the manufacture of machinery and systems. This development is also promoting the decentralisation of I/Os and control technology.

In a decentralised, modular machinery concept, it is also possible to decentralise the control element. This means that individual modules are only connected to one another with one cable for communication and one for power supply.

Bachofen is at the forefront in keeping pace with the trends in automation that are characterised by Industry 4.0, providing the solutions of tomorrow to machinery and systems manufacturers concerned with the decentralisation of control technology.

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Decentralised control functions with ARGEE FLOW and ARGEE PRO from Turck

The era of the PLC is not yet over, but simple control functions can now already be transferred over to decentralised I/Os. The ARGEE engineering software from Turck, based on HTML5 and JavaScript, makes it possible to use the automation specialist’s multiprotocol block I/Os as independent field logic controllers (FLC). These are able to control applications, carry out arithmetic, timer, counter and binary switch functions and exchange data with higher-level controllers. ARGEE is a simple web application that functions using a HTML5-compatible web browser.


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Fuchs Roland 3474 web
Roland Fuchs
Product manager
+41 44 944 14 35

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Areas of application

  • Monitoring of pneumatic actuators to detect pressure drop

  • Proactive maintenance; preventative fault detection and resolution

  • Monitoring and control of filling systems


  • Control functions can be set and visualised in the form of a ladder diagram using drop-down fields with simple if-then commands

  • The FLC can be configured for decentralised control tasks practically without any programming experience